The workout itself was intense as I expected. Before the workout, I was most apprehensive about doing squats. This is something I saw football players doing while I was getting weighed back in my cross-country days and always thought that it would be very difficult. With the encouragement and good advice of Big O, I was able to go through the motions. Although it was difficult and completely new to me, I felt like it was wonderful for working out the legs and I can see myself improving over time. Hopefully I will be able to improve my form for all the exercises we do, but I want to focus most on those which utilize free weights as there is no guide other than muscle memory.
Since I don't have my camera, I feel a need to add some additional form of media other than plain text to this post. Attached here is a photo I took a couple of days ago to show where I was when I started this whole process. As you can tell, I didn't know where to look or whether to smile or not, so I went with a blank stare off into space look:
Perhaps when I begin to notice changes in my general shape I'll add another photo...
Later this afternoon I'll be working out shoulders with Big O. I have no idea what kind of exercises we'll be doing and I assume the workout will be intense. Expect a report after we're through...
You should smile lah! You look so serious!